Filters can be used for color, exposure to control for differences in a scene, to give richer colors and special effects. Some of the effects, but not everything you see on your PC with the image editing software, but many photographers prefer to shop at the reception will not be replicated. This also reduces the amount of work must be done in the editing phase. Let's look at some of the different camera filters may need to try and give a quick overview of the reasons for usingthem.
Round or square format digital camera filters
There are two basic types of digital camera filter, round and departure. Rounds are made to screw on the front of the lens and the square of slots in an adapter that is screwed to the front of the lens can be made. The advantage of the rectangular filter, you can use an adapter for each of your goals, no matter what is the diameter of the lens, but you only need a filter. It is a round filter for each lens you need.You might find a combination of round and square digital camera filter.
I would recommend buying a UV or for each of your goals and keep it permanently. An ultraviolet filter filters the UV spectrum on hazy days, and at high altitudes, but also protects the front lens from dust and damage. And 'much cheaper to replace a digital camera as a filter to replace or repair a lens.
Digital Camera Neutral Density Filters
A neutral densityJoined filters are a useful addition to your digital camera accessory pocket landscape photographer. These filters have a gray base and clear top and can be used to reduce the contrast between heaven and earth, the dark peak obscuring the sky. They come in different strengths, which is usually one stop, two stops and three stations. They determine the meter heaven and earth, which filters to use. These filters can be an advantage difficult for an abrupt change from light to dark, or a feathered edge for a returngradual transition from light to dark. The filters are much better in a graduate digital camera site decisions as the flexibility to move the filter up and down or rotate, if necessary
The polarizer
Of all the filters digital camera, I suggest you buy a polarizer. You can not replicate the effects of these filters with the editing software and a filter is very useful to carry around. This filter reduces glare, not only glass but also onFoliage. The use of these filters running and can see the effect as you use it. They get deeper and brighter blue sky, deep saturated colors. There are two types of polarizing among others, linear and circular. The circular is intended for the autofocus system, so be careful not to confuse them. A polarizer also cut the exposure so be sure to take meter readings and to compensate for the filter. You might also want to change the white balance from auto to daylight withthese filters, like the camera to compensate for the filter. The polarizing filter is a digital camera you use regularly.
Other digital camera filter that you can consider these are special effects such as plasticizers and diffusers, filters, and star of a different color filters. It 'easy to be carried with camera filter effects, but it's a good idea, with which the'.